Steam Patin Fish
Farm fresh PATIN FISH from Kranji. Nothing beats the awesome goodness of home cooked. Patin is a fresh water fish . The flesh is smooth and juicy.
INGREDIENTS: 1 patin fish Tofu - optional Sauce 6 tbsp soy sauce 8 tbsp water 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp sesame oil Pepper 1 stalk serai cut and smash Ginger strips Spring onion strip Celery Fried onions
METHOD: Clean the fish . Rub some salt and pepper over fish . Place fish over serai ,ginger strips and white part of spring onon. Add in cut Tofu. Sprinkle ginger strips and steam for 10 minutes over high fire. When fish is steamed pour away the water . Heat up a wok with 3 tbsp oil and put in soy sauce,sesame oil ,hua teow wine and oyster sauce. Pour over steam fish. Garnish with spring onion and parsley on top of fish.