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Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Beans

Steamed spare ribs with black beans- Mum's cooking is always the BEST as it is prepared the way I like it - With Lots of LOVE.


INGREDIENTS: 1 kg spare ribs 1 red chilli 1 tbsp chopped spring onion Black beans sauce 5 shallots - peeled and sliced 2 tbsp chopped garlic 1 tbsp chopped ginger 2 tbsp fermented black beans - soaked and chopped 1 tbsp bean paste 2 red chilli chopped 1 tsp sugar 1 tbsp sour plum sauce 2 tbsp light soy sauce 2 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tsp sesame oil 1 tbsp hua teow wine Pepper

METHOD: Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic,ginger and shallots till aromatic.

Add in rest of Seasoning and heat for 3 minutes. Dish up and leave aside. Mix corn flour with spare ribs and season for thirty minutes. Wash and drain dry. Mix in cool black beans paste to dry spare ribs.

Add in 2 tbsp. cornflour and leave to season for one hour. Steam for 30 minutes over high fire. Garnish chopped spring onion and chilli.



Always use the freshest ingredients you can get for the best taste.



Add salt & pepper to suit your tastes.



Enjoy your own food.

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