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SALTED DUCK SOUP(Kiam Chye Duck Soup)

Yummy and Flavorful Soup of the Day....simply delicious!!! ***RECIPE***

INGREDIENTS: One duck Lengkuas Ginger Serai Kiam Chye Tomatoes Assam peel Preserved plums Tofu Dried scallops METHOD:

Chop duck into small pieces and scald it in hot water to remove feathers and wax on duck body. Fry a piece of lengkuas and ginger with some oil. Add in duck to fry. Boil water in pot.Add in serai,duck.Boil till duck is soft. Add in kiam Chye,tomatoes,assam peel,preserved plums,tofu and dried scallops. Boil for a hour Serve hot with cut parsley



Always use the freshest ingredients you can get for the best taste.



Add salt & pepper to suit your tastes.



Enjoy your own food.

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